payment plans

Flexible Payment Options for Botox and Focus Dual Treatments

We offer a range of flexible payment options to make your Botox and Focus Dual HIFU & Microneedling treatments more affordable.

  • Botox 12-Month Payment Plan – Spread the cost of your Botox treatments over 12 months, interest-free.

  • Focus Dual Package Plan – Pay for your Focus Dual treatment package in three equal, interest-free monthly instalments.

Easy Booking Options

You can book your treatments via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or Online for your convenience.

Important Information

  • Botox Payment Plan: This plan runs for 12 months. If you choose to cancel before the end of your plan, you will be required to pay for any treatments already received.

  • Focus Dual Package Plan: This plan runs for three months. If you cancel during this period, you will be liable for the full cost of treatments received at the standard treatment rate.

Choose your plan 


Botox and Glow


a month

(min term 12 months)

2 areas of Botox every 4 months

1 Dermabrasion Facial

Focus Dual

RF Microneedling



a month

(min term 3 months)

3 x RF Microneedling sessions

saving you £150!



Botox and Glow


a month

(min term 12 months)

3 x areas of Botox every 4 months

2 x Dermabrasion Facials


Focus Dual

HiFu Package


a month

(min term 3 months)

3 x HiFu sessions

saving you £200!

Ready to join?

To sign up please click on the plan you’d like above. You’ll be prompted to create an account and complete your sign up process and add you payment details. You can book your Botox or Microdermabrasion within your account area.


Botox and Glow


a month

(min term 12 months)

3 x areas of Botox every 3 months

3 x Dermabrasion Facials

Best Value

Focus Dual

Ultimate Non Surgical Payment Plan


a month

(min term 3 months)

3 x HiFu sessions

3 x RF Microneedling

saving you £450!